
Bootstrap a default version of Amundsen using Docker

The following instructions are for setting up a version of Amundsen using Docker.

  1. Make sure you have at least 3GB available to docker. Install docker and docker-compose.
  2. Clone this repo and its submodules by running:
    $ git clone --recursive
  3. Enter the cloned directory and run:
    # For Neo4j Backend
    $ docker-compose -f docker-amundsen.yml up
    # For Atlas
    $ docker-compose -f docker-amundsen-atlas.yml up
  4. Ingest dummy data into Neo4j by doing the following: (Please skip if you are using Atlas backend)

  5. Change directory to the amundsendatabuilder submodule.

  6. Run the following commands in the amundsendatabuilder upstream directory:
     $ python3 -m venv venv
     $ source venv/bin/activate  
     $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
     $ python3 install
     $ python3 example/scripts/
  7. View UI at http://localhost:5000 and try to search test, it should return some result.

Atlas Note: Atlas takes some time to boot properly. So you may not be able to see the results immediately after docker-compose up command. Atlas would be ready once you’ll have the following output in the docker output Amundsen Entity Definitions Created...

Verify setup

  1. You can verify dummy data has been ingested into Neo4j by by visiting http://localhost:7474/browser/ and run MATCH (n:Table) RETURN n LIMIT 25 in the query box. You should see two tables:
  2. hive.test_schema.test_table1
  3. dynamo.test_schema.test_table2
  4. You can verify the data has been loaded into the metadataservice by visiting:
  5. http://localhost:5000/table_detail/gold/hive/test_schema/test_table1
  6. http://localhost:5000/table_detail/gold/dynamo/test_schema/test_table2


  1. If the docker container doesn’t have enough heap memory for Elastic Search, es_amundsen will fail during docker-compose.
  2. docker-compose error: es_amundsen | [1]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
  3. Increase the heap memory detailed instructions here

    1. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf
    2. Make entry vm.max_map_count=262144. Save and exit.
    3. Reload settings $ sysctl -p
    4. Restart docker-compose
  4. If docker-amundsen-local.yml stops because of org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.StartupException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to create node environment, then es_amundsen cannot write to .local/elasticsearch.

  5. chown -R 1000:1000 .local/elasticsearch
  6. Restart docker-compose
  7. If when running the sample data loader you recieve a connection error related to ElasticSearch or like this for Neo4j:
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "/home/ubuntu/amundsen/amundsendatabuilder/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/neobolt/", line 831, in _connect
        ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused
  8. If elastic search container stops with an error max file descriptors [4096] for elasticsearch process is too low, increase to at least [65535], then add the below code to the file docker-amundsen-local.yml in the elasticsearch definition. ulimits: nofile: soft: 65535 hard: 65535 Then check if all 5 Amundsen related containers are running with docker ps? Can you connect to the Neo4j UI at http://localhost:7474/browser/ and similarly the raw ES API at http://localhost:9200? Does Docker logs reveal any serious issues?