Developer Guide


Follow the installation instructions in the section Install standalone application directly from the source.

Install the javascript development requirements:

# in ~/<your-path-to-cloned-repo>/amundsenfrontendlibrary/amundsen_application
$ cd static
$ npm install --only=dev

To test local changes to the javascript static files:

# in ~/<your-path-to-cloned-repo>/amundsenfrontendlibrary/amundsen_application
$ cd static
$ npm run dev-build # builds the development bundle

To test local changes to the python files, re-run the wsgi:

# in ~/<your-path-to-cloned-repo>/amundsenfrontendlibrary/amundsen_application
$ python3




If changes were made to any python files, run the python unit tests, linter, and type checker. Unit tests are run with py.test. They are located in tests/unit. Type checks are run with mypy. Linting is flake8. There are friendly make targets for each of these tests:

# after setting up environment
make test  # unit tests in Python 3
make lint  # flake8
make mypy  # type checks
Fix all errors before submitting a PR.

JS Assets

Type Checking

npm run tsc conducts type checking. The build commands npm run build and npm run dev-build also conduct type checking, but are slower because they also build the source code. Run any of these commands and fix all failed checks before submitting a PR.


npm run lint runs the linter. Fix all lint errors before submitting a PR. npm run lint-fix can help auto-fix most common errors.

Unit Tests

npm run test runs unit tests. Add unit tests to cover new code additions and fix any test failures before submitting a PR.

To run specific tests, run npm run test-nocov -t <regex>, where <regex> is any pattern that matches the names of the test blocks that you want to run.

See our recommendations for writing unit tests here.