OIDC (Keycloak) Authentication

Setting up end-to-end authentication using OIDC is fairly simple and can be done using a Flask wrapper i.e., flaskoidc.

flaskoidc leverages the Flask’s before_request functionality to authenticate each request before passing that to the views. It also accepts headers on each request if available in order to validate bearer token from incoming requests.


Please refer to the flaskoidc documentation for the installation and the configurations.

Note: You need to install and configure flaskoidc for each microservice of Amundsen i.e., for frontendlibrary, metadatalibrary and searchlibrary in order to secure each of them.

Amundsen Configuration

Once you have flaskoidc installed and configured for each microservice, please set the following environment variables:

  • amundsenfrontendlibrary:

        APP_WRAPPER: flaskoidc

  • amundsenmetadatalibrary:

        FLASK_APP_MODULE_NAME: flaskoidc

  • amundsensearchlibrary: (Needs to be implemented)

        FLASK_APP_MODULE_NAME: flaskoidc

By default flaskoidc whitelist the healthcheck URLs, to not authenticate them. In case of metadatalibrary and searchlibrary we may want to whitelist the healthcheck APIs explicitly using following environment variable.


Setting Up Request Headers

To communicate securely between the microservices, you need to pass the bearer token from frontend in each request to metadatalibrary and searchlibrary. This should be done using REQUEST_HEADERS_METHOD config variable in frontendlibrary.

  • Define a function to add the bearer token in each request in your config.py:

    def get_access_headers(app):
        Function to retrieve and format the Authorization Headers
        that can be passed to various microservices who are expecting that.
        :param oidc: OIDC object having authorization information
        :return: A formatted dictionary containing access token
        as Authorization header.
            access_token = app.oidc.get_access_token()
            return {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(access_token)}
        except Exception:
            return None

  • Set the method as the request header method in your config.py:

    REQUEST_HEADERS_METHOD = get_access_headers

This function will be called using the current app instance to add the headers in each request when calling any endpoint of metadatalibrary and searchlibrary here

Setting Up Auth User Method

In order to get the current authenticated user (which is being used in Amundsen for many operations), we need to set AUTH_USER_METHOD config variable in frontendlibrary. This function should return email address, user id and any other required information.

  • Define a function to fetch the user information in your config.py:

    def get_auth_user(app):
        Retrieves the user information from oidc token, and then makes
        a dictionary 'UserInfo' from the token information dictionary.
        We need to convert it to a class in order to use the information
        in the rest of the Amundsen application.
        :param app: The instance of the current app.
        :return: A class UserInfo
        from flask import g
        user_info = type('UserInfo', (object,), g.oidc_id_token)
        # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        user_info.user_id = user_info.preferred_username
        return user_info

  • Set the method as the auth user method in your config.py:

    AUTH_USER_METHOD = get_auth_user

Once done, you’ll have the end-to-end authentication in Amundsen without any proxy or code changes.

Using Okta with Amundsen on K8s

Assumptions: - You have access to okta (you can create a developer account for free!) - You are using k8s to setup amundsen. See amundsen-kube-helm

  1. You need to have a stable DNS entry for amundsen-frontend that can be registered in okta.
    • for example in AWS you can setup route53 I will assume for the rest of this tutorial that your stable uri is “http://amundsen-frontend
  2. You need to register amundsen in okta as an app. More info here. But here are specific instructions for amundsen:
    • At this time, I have only succesfully tested integration after ALL grants were checked.
    • Set the Login redirect URIs to: http://amundsen-frontend/oidc_callback
    • No need to set a logout redirect URI
    • Set the Initiate login URI to: http://amundsen-frontend/ (This is where okta will take you if users click on amundsen via okta landing page)
    • Copy the Client ID and Client secret as you will need this later.
  3. At present, there is no oidc build of the frontend. So you will need to build an oidc build yourself and upload it to, for example ECR, for use by k8s. You can then specify which image you want to use as a property override for your helm install like so:
    frontEndServiceImage: 123.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/edmunds/amundsen-frontend:oidc-test
    Please see further down in this doc for more instructions on how to build frontend.
  4. When you start up helm you will need to provide some properties. Here are the properties that need to be overridden for oidc to work:
    oidcEnabled: true
    createOidcSecret: true
    OIDC_ORG_URL: https://edmunds.okta.com
    OIDC_AUTH_SERVER_ID: default
    # You also will need a custom oidc frontend build too
    frontEndServiceImage: 123.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/edmunds/amundsen-frontend:oidc-test

Building frontend with OIDC

  1. Please look at this guide for instructions on how to build a custom frontend docker image.
  2. The only difference to above is that in your docker file you will want to add the following at the end. This will make sure its ready to go for oidc. You can take alook at the public.Dockerfile as a reference.
    RUN pip3 install .[oidc]
    ENV FRONTEND_SVC_CONFIG_MODULE_CLASS amundsen_application.oidc_config.OidcConfig
    ENV APP_WRAPPER flaskoidc
    ENV FLASK_OIDC_WHITELISTED_ENDPOINTS status,healthcheck,health